Url https://yegpoliceviolencearchive.ca/s/archive/item/1466 Resource class pva:ViolenceIncident Incident ID 221199 Incident Title Youth victim cooperates with arrest, officer tases him despite cooperation Incident Date 11/05/2012 Incident City Edmonton Injuries Incurred Taser burn marks; Psychological trauma; Broken fingers; Injury to face resulting in bleeding Weapon used Taser; Hands; Knee Type of Abuse Physical violence Victim Gender Man Victim Sexual Orientation Not listed Authority Involved Edmonton Police Service Complaint Resolution disciplinary hearing; guilty Court Cases R v Jara, 2006, Court of Queens Bench Media Coverage https://storage.googleapis.com/pmdb-static/documents/GN5Ujtmbg3VeEK/Edmonton%20Journal%2C%20November%201%2C%202006.jpg Edmonton Journal, November 1, 2006 Submission Source External Database Import Submission Source Affiliation Alberta Police Misconduct Database Submission Source Link https://www.policemisconductdatabase.ca/incident/i-FWmfGjN6fgncOT Alberta Police Misconduct Database Multimedia Type PDF Confidentiality/Restrictions From published source Archive Publication Date August 9, 2022 Archive Last Update August 9, 2022 Tags Unnecessary Exercise of Authority; conducted energy weapon (taser); insubordination; Charter; youth; Alberta Police Misconduct Database Collection Alberta Police Misconduct Database Officer Name Michael Wasylyshen; Frattin; Bechthold; Fox; Sparreboom; Maschmeyer; Mitchell Officer Badge Number 2138 Additional Details APMD original incident ID: i-FWmfGjN6fgncOT --