Url https://yegpoliceviolencearchive.ca/s/archive/item/1470 Resource class pva:ViolenceIncident Incident ID 221203 Incident Title Victim suffers injuries during police arrest. Incident Date 06/29/2001 Incident City Edmonton Incident Neighbourhood Central Mcdougall Injuries Incurred Strike to the head (received 3 stitches on head); Two black eyes; Swollen cheek Weapon used Open hand Type of Abuse Physical violence Victim Gender Man Victim Sexual Orientation Not listed Authority Involved Edmonton Police Service Complaint Resolution mistrial; Law Enforcement Review Board Court Cases Her Majesty the Queen v. Bradley Pearce and Derek McIntyre Media Coverage https://storage.googleapis.com/pmdb-static/documents/a1B2Nv2YmJ74yW/Edmonton%20Sun%2C%20April%203%2C%202003.pdf Edmonton Sun, April 3, 2003 Submission Source External Database Import Submission Source Affiliation Alberta Police Misconduct Database Alberta Police Misconduct Database Submission Source Link https://www.policemisconductdatabase.ca/incident/i-lUCeiqDPdQAiVN Alberta Police Misconduct Database Confidentiality/Restrictions From published source Archive Publication Date August 9, 2022 Archive Last Update August 9, 2022 Tags assault; bodily harm; Alberta Police Misconduct Database Collection Alberta Police Misconduct Database Officer Name Brad Pearce; Derek McIntyre Officer Badge Number 2083 (Pearce); 2044 (McIntyre) Victim Disabilities Substance use disorder (heroin) - referenced in news article Additional Details APMD original incident ID: i-lUCeiqDPdQAiVN --