You can contact the Archive team by email at or on Twitter @yegpva.
If you see an incident in the Archive in which you are the victim-survivor and think the information we have is inaccurate, or do not want it to be published on our site, please reach out and we will be happy to amend or remove the incident.
Our research team depends on the community to identify incidents for inclusion in the Archive. If you see reporting on an incident of police violence (new or old), tweet @ us or email it to our team for follow-up!
We are a volunteer-run, ever-evolving project, and it is really important that the Archive respects and serves the needs of the communities most impacted by police violence. We are always open to feedback on ways to improve our policies and practices, including calling-in if we're doing something that doesn't seem right! Please do get in touch, we look forward to any and all conversations with our community.