Learn about Police Violence
This page is in development, more resources coming soon
The YEG Police Violence Archive is part of Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton's Defund the Police campaign. On our website, we have a growing body of resources on how policing harms survivors of sexual violence, and ways to imagine a future free of policing.
Edmonton/amiskwacîwâskahikan Initiatives
The Edmonton SRO Research Project is analysing the impacts of the School Resource Officer program in Edmonton's Public and Catholic schools
The No Cops on Campus Collective is working to get the University of Alberta to divest from policing and invest in non-carceral approaches to community safety
Is This For Real? is a podcast about essential local issues, often covering policing and police violence in Edmonton.
Black Lives Matter YEG has a list of reading and resources on their website.
Other Police Violence Databases
The Alberta Police Misconduct Database tracks police misconduct that has proceeded to an official complaint across Alberta.
Tracking (In)Justice is a project tracking police-involved deaths across Canada.
General Resources
Black Lives Matter Canada has an extensive list of resources and toolkits.
Author and scholar Robyn Maynard's book Policing Black Lives is an essential read on anti-Black police violence in the Canadian context.
SAVE has a list of further resources on our website.