YEG Police Violence Archive is an online accessible database archiving incidents of police violence in Edmonton/amiskwacîwâskahikan (ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ), taking a broad view of violence that includes physical as well as social and psychological harm that policing does in our communities. The Archive aims to support advocacy efforts by documenting the harmful effects policing has on our communities and in particular to show how police are implicated in and uphold systems of oppression, including rape culture and white supremacy.  We also hope to create a space where survivors of police violence can have their experiences recognized.

The YEG Police Violence Archive is part of Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton’s larger campaign Defund the Police, and is built in solidarity with Black Lives Matter YEG and other QTBIPOC advocacy groups. 

The Archive is currently in Stage 1 and is working to add more incidents. We will be opening to community submissions soon!


*Trigger Warning*: The database section of the Archive contains descriptions, images, and videos of police violence. 



August 9, 2022 - Alberta Police Misconduct Incidents imported

Thanks to the efforts of our community service learning students, all of the Edmonton & area incidents of police misconduct recorded in the Alberta Police Misconduct Database have been imported into the Archive. We're very grateful for all their hard work, which has added a huge number of incidents to the site. 


November 19, 2021 - It's Alive!

After many months of conceptualization & development, the Archive officially launched on November 19, 2021. For now, all the incidents in the Archive have been gathered from news coverage of police violence, and our research team is working to expand the number of incidents in the Archive. The next step, opening the Archive for community submissions, is in process.  If you or your organization regularly interact with communities that are frequently targeted by police violence, we would love to discuss how we can work together to document their experiences. Contact us at


Community Feedback Survey: We have an ongoing survey soliciting community feedback on our Archive values and practices, data collection strategies, privacy, and more. To participate in the survey, click here.

To receive updates on the Archive, follow us on Twitter (@YEGPVA). You can also follow SAVE on Facebook, Twitter (@YEGSAVE), or Instagram